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persian cat


persian cat

Bringing Your Cat / Kitten Home

The big day is here and you are about to bring your new kitten home! This is a big day for you and your family, but an even bigger day for your new kitten. Not only is he or she moving to a new home, this is also, most likely, the first time leaving his or her family. To make the transition as easy as possible, try not to bring your new kitten into your home during a hectic time. Also, give you kitten some time to explore your home before handling and playing with it too much. When you get home, show the kitten where the litter box is(he/she may not use it right away but at least it will know where to find it), then stay back and watch it explore its surroundings. It may be a good idea to have a "safe room" (a room with everything your kitten needs, where it can be kept when you are not around) for your kitten for the first few days until he or she gets used to you and feels more at home. If you have children, remind them to give the kitten some space, speak quietly until the kitten is used to having you around and try not to make sudden movements that may scare it.

Introducing Your New Kitten or Cat To Your Resident Cat

Before introducing your new kitten/cat to your resident cat, it is important to have it checked out by your veterinarian to ensure that it is healthy. You do not want to bring any type of illness to your cat. Introducing your cats is going to take some time, so be patient; some cats can become extremely stressed if they think their territory is being invaded. . The safest way to let your cats see each other for the first time is to put your new cat/kitten in a pet carrier and let your other cat explore in its own time. They may hiss or growl, if they start to sound very aggressive try distracting them with a noise, if they are behaving calmly, give them treats as a reward. Once they are comfortable with this, try feeding them in the same manner, the resident cat close to the new cat/kitten in the pet carrier. Once you feel they are ready (it may take days or weeks), you can try introducing them without the pet carrier. Make sure to introduce them in a room that has hiding places to help them feel comfortable if they need a place to retreat to, also, use food, or toys (such as a cat wand) to distract them, and give treats as a reward. If the introduction goes well, you can start leaving them together for a longer periods of time. This may seem like a long drawn out process, but it is better for the future relationship of your cats to take the time and do it properly at the beginning. An aggressive relationship between cats is very hard to change.

Introducing Your New Kitten or Cat To A Dog

Although cats and dogs are well known to be enemies, introducing a new kitten or cat to your new dog can actually be easier than introducing him or her to another cat. It may take some time, but it is possible. It is best to not let your dog and your new cat meet face to face for at least a couple of days, this way it gives them time to get used to each others scent before actually meeting. Keep your cat in its "safe room", you could give your dogs blanket to your new cat for a while and then give it back to your dog. Before a face to face meeting with your dog and cat, make sure your dog has been well exercised and fed so that it is calm. Let him/her meet your cat through a pet carrier, keep your dog on a leash and allow him to sniff the carrier. Give your dog & cat treats to reward them if they are behaving well. Once they are comfortable meeting in this way, try letting your cat out of the carrier but keep your dog on the leash to make sure he doesnt bolt at the cat. Once this way of introduction is going well, try letting your dog off the leash, make sure there are places for your cat to escape if needed.

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